
Auto Electrical Diagnostics specialists

Richmond Auto Services has invested in the latest auto electrical vehicle diagnostic equipment and up to date training for our automotive technicians.

Accurate assessments for computer, auto electrical, engine problems.

Whilst some garages will apply a common resolution to a perceived problem, we prefer to accurately diagnose the issue before replacing a part.

A typical scan tool will pick up obvious faults, but this is only around 5% of the job. We use an Oscilloscope, which picks up 30 times more than the standard scan tool used in most garages.

The computer and electronic configurations of modern vehicles has made it more important than ever to put aside the guesswork and rely on up to date diagnostic equipment; an injection pulse is measured in 100 microseconds so near enough is no longer good enough.

Saving vehicle owners time and money
with a
first time fix every time.

Whether you drive a car for private or business use, or run a fleet of vehicles, keeping you on the road and keeping your running costs down are as important to us as they are to you. We support our state-of-the-art technology with up to date training for our staff, both in the correct use of our diagnostic equipment and in the newest electronic and computer functions rolling off the vehicle production lines of Europe, Asia and the US.
This way we are confident the customer will drive out of our workshop with the fault fixed, first time, every time.